Prana Lounge is on the move, get excited!

Prana Lounge Colombo

Prana Community


1) A tradition as ancient and beautiful as yoga comes with certain observances. Whether you are a first time or regular Prana patron, we ask you to follow these soft and subtle ways, which will enhance both your experience and that of the Prana community.

2) In our ideal world, arrive 15 minutes early to class or for a treatment in order to settle yourself physically as well as mentally to gain the maximum benefit of your time here.

3) Latecomers are allowed into some classes at the discretion of each teacher, due to a meditation or missed warm up, but generally we grant a 10-minute grace period.

4) If arriving late is unavoidable, check with the Prana desk and if alright, wait by the studio window, until the teacher invites you in. This way, disruption is minimized.

5) Prana Lounge is a shoe free zone. Please remove your shoes at the seating cupboards in the corridor.

6) It’s nice to be sociable with other yogis as you wait for class outside the studios but keep chat quiet and to a minimum. Be aware and respectful of those seeking stillness.

7) Calls cannot be taken in the common areas and you should not take your phone into class. Do mute or set your flight mode and lock it up with your belongings in the provided lockers.

8) The use of photography and video in our space is to be practiced mindfully. Please ask before taking any photo’s or video’s in any of our spaces out of respect and privacy of fellow patrons, students and teachers.

9) Let your teacher know if you have any injuries, are pregnant or have recently had an operation. The teacher will offer you appropriate and safe modifications. Please note it is not advisable to practice during your first trimester of pregnancy.

10) Peak time classes (evenings and weekends) might often be busy and require mats to be placed closer together. While our off-peak time classes tend be more spacious. Please be mindful of other yogi's as you move around our spaces.

11) Yoga is best practiced on an empty stomach so refrain from eating at least 1-2 hours prior to a class. This of course would not apply to those pregnant.

12) Stay well hydrated. Bring a bottle which you can refill with filtered and crystal energized water near the desk.

13) For class do bring along your mat and a towel (both also available for rent at the desk).

14) Do take rest. Savasana is integral to your practice as the prana and energy, that you have created during your Yoga class, needs time to settle into your body.

15) We keep Lost & Found items for a month. They will be donated to charity after that.

16) Consider Prana Lounge as your home and city retreat. As such we graciously ask for your help keeping the studios and spaces clean and tidy. Keep any straps or blocks you have used at the designated storages

17) Rented mats: please hand over your mats at the Prana desk as they are sanitized after each use. Your own mats: can be cleaned with the tea tree/lavender spray and cloth provided